Monday, October 19, 2009

When Is A Monster A Bully

As reported widely in the news, Hansen Beverage Co., the maker of Monster Energy Drinks has contacted a small craft brewery with a trademark warning letter demanding Rock Art Brewery stop advertising, promoting and selling its Vermonster craft beer because of the name similarities, according to the Associated Press.

Hansen also is asking for compensation for attorneys’ fees. WTF!

Check it out!

Now I don't know about you but if I was selling 1 billion(1000 million) dollars worth of energy drinks a year, I'd hardly be concerned with a small craft beer maker that uses a no-so-even-close-name as my own... Vermonster... Monster... Oh yeah, must be the same outfit! NOT!

Is the corporate world gone crazy or what? Do these corporate type marketers realize that this kind of behaviour is going to backfire or do they even give a shit.

Considering Hansen doesn't make anything, as far as I am aware, it's all manufactured by other companies, they also have a distribution deal with Anheuser-Bush. I guess all they do there is market the product, and defend the brand from dilution against attempts from other powerhouse marketers, such as Rock Art Brewery, the folks that actually make Vermonster craft Beer themselves.

I guess they are so busy at Hansen Beverage Company building reputable brands, they don't have time to look under their feet at who they're trying to crush! You talk about going viral in a totally wrong direction. I hope it bites them in the ass!

This Is When A Monster Is A Bully!

Anyway, I am not the only one thinking it's deplorable - Monster Energy Drink, May You Go Bank-Fucking-Rupt.

Update - Monster Energy Drink And Hansen Have Forgotten America | Monster Energy Drink Vs Rock Art Brewery and Vermonster Beer, Round #2

And There's more concern about a fair fight with Monster Energy Drink vs Vermonster Beer.

And yes there is more concern about Monster Energy Drink – Corporate America Gone Bad.

And Liss is having a say about ROCK ART BREWERY vs Corporate America – The Biggest Scam of All!

More alarming is the Monster Energy Drink Side Effects.

And it doesn't stop there!

- Poor and Angry – Monster Energy Drink Hates America.

- The Monster Energy Drink Company Is One Big Vagina.

- Don't Feed The Monster.

- Monster Energy Drink vs Vermonster.

- Monster Energy Drink Kills Mom and Pop Shops

It seems as though more bloggers are not impressed as seen with Monster Energy Drink Sucks The Life Out of Small Businesses, and Monster Energy Drink Attacks Vermont Beer

And here is a question worth asking - Hey Monster – Who’s the Noob Now?

If your looking for Alternatives to Coffee, Postum and Camel Piss (Monster Energy Drink)

And this from Online Stock Trading - The Rock Art Brewery Vermonster Barleywine Real Beer Monster Mash.

Update October 21st

If Hansen tries to hide behind a I-have-to-protect-my-brand bullshit argument, I hope the customers that drink the energetic swill will take notice and switch to another brand.

It's also reprehensible to engage in such tactics and then expect the tiny tiny company you're attacking TO PAY FOR THE LITIGATION!!!

Here is a link to Vermonster.

So here is my question - If you drink Monster, would you send the company an email stating you will stop drinking Monster until the company stops this ridiculous action? Or even better CALL THEM - Monster Energy Drink at 1-800-426-7367

In the mean time and between time - Don't the Executives at Hansen have anything better to do?

There's a poll you can participate in if you think the folks at Monster are Slimeballs or Not.

You can sign a petition and Tell Corporate America that you will not Tolerate the Bullying of Small Companies

Follow Rock Art Brewery on Twitter

Why you should boycott Monster Energy Drink

join the Facebook group Vermonters and Craft Beer Drinkers Against Monster Energy

Response from Mark Hall, President of Monster Beverage on Facebook

Hey! What's Up With That Stuff?


  1. Thanks for the link. :-) I'm adding your link to my post- will be up when I finish adding a few more peeps.

  2. @WordVixen
    Ditto to you. These corporate bullies should be more worried about good customer relations that strong arming a small business into the ground.


  3. You've got the biggest blogroll I've ever seen (I don't get out much)I'm just doing the rounds and checking out all the Monster Energy Drink posts and trying to show my support.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. @Monster Energy Drink Kills Mom and Pop Shops

    Thanks Man.

    About the blogroll - social butterfly - what can I say LOL

  5. Hell JD,

    You do have the largest blog-roll I have ever seen!

    Back to the focus......... just claimed a victory on corporate America and I am sure it had to do with exactly what we are doing.

    This is a milestone on what can be accomplished when we have continuity.

    Yah I know...who the hell is Dirk.......

    Well.. that is I.


    Dirk Poulsen
